Forgive Us as We Forgive

Jul 24, 2022    Pastor Starla Smith

Repentance is the daily reality of a Christian. We are repeatedly confronted by the reality of our sinfulness, but God does not condemn us; instead, he draws us to repentance through his kindness. Repentance means taking full responsibility for our sin, but it also means we throw ourselves onto the unfailing love of God that he has shown to us in Christ.

1. How quick are you to ask God for forgiveness?
2. Is there anyone you need to ask for forgiveness from?
3. Do you have people in your life that will encourage you to seek forgiveness when you've hurt someone or they have hurt you?

PRAY LIKE THIS SERIES: Many feel paralyzed when it comes to prayer. We overthink it, don’t feel adequate, or guilty for not doing it enough. But Jesus teaches a simple, yet profound way to go deep with our prayers.

Join us for our summer series, Pray Like This, as we dive deep into the prayer our Lord Jesus taught his disciples to pray. We’ll take each clause of the Lord’s Prayer and connect with other passages in Scripture that explain the deep principles embedded within. This prayer is the perfect place to begin and to deepen all our prayer lives.