Hallowed Be Your Name

Jun 26, 2022    Pastor Chad Garrison

What do you worship? Everyone has something or someone they worship, and that thing or person controls their life. By worshiping and adoring God Our Father we are set free from slavery and bondage, and recognize that HE is enough.

1. What in your life is most important to you? What steps do you need to take to ensure you are elevating God above these “things”?
2. Who is God to you, and what is your response to this revelation as you ‘hallow’ His name in your prayers?
3. Give God your glory: What blessings, achievements, material things or anything else of value do you possess that you need to “Ascribe to the Lord”? Take time to write them out, and pray a prayer of thanksgiving.

PRAY LIKE THIS SERIES: Many feel paralyzed when it comes to prayer. We overthink it, don’t feel adequate, or guilty for not doing it enough. But Jesus teaches a simple, yet profound way to go deep with our prayers.

Join us for our summer series, 'Pray Like This', as we dive deep into the prayer our Lord Jesus taught his disciples to pray. We’ll take each clause of the Lord’s Prayer and connect with other passages in Scripture that explain the deep principles embedded within. This prayer is the perfect place to begin and to deepen all our prayer lives.