The Poor in Spirit

Jul 7, 2024    Pastor Chad Garrison

Blessed are those who realize their need for God, for they will receive eternal life.

Culture sets up a standard for how one should live, but what if Jesus were to turn that standard upside down and bless you for following it? This series examines the Beatitudes, exploring how Jesus provides us with instructions for living in the kingdom of God, explaining what it looks like to live a counter-cultural life for God, that is just as relevant today as they were two thousand years ago.


1. Describe in your own words what you think it means to be “Poor in Spirit”, or what resonated with you most in today’s message in describing this beatitude?

2. How do you personally interpret, and experience, the Blessing of, “for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”? 

3. How do you personally live as a steward of the Kingdom of Heaven, while keeping a motivation that is based on “being with” God in communion, as opposed to “doing for” God, trying to maintain a “works-based” relationship?