Those Who Mourn
Blessed are those who mourn over their sin and the sins of others, for God will forgive them
Culture sets up a standard for how one should live, but what if Jesus were to turn that standard upside down and bless you for following it? This series examines the Beatitudes, exploring how Jesus provides us with instructions for living in the kingdom of God, explaining what it looks like to live a counter-cultural life for God, that is just as relevant today as they were two thousand years ago.
1. What does it mean to you that “Jesus sees You”? How does that
change your thoughts, actions and life?
2. What is Jesus asking to you to surrender? How can you mourn and
release what is holding you down so that you can receive the
fullness of the comfort available to you?
3. Spend some time praying and seeking what Jesus through His
perfect Counselor desires to heal in you. Open your heart to allow
Jesus to mourn with you in that place that has been broken for too
long, that needs to receive His comfort, forgiveness and healing.