Taking Prayer to the Next Level
Many feel paralyzed when it comes to prayer. We overthink it, don’t feel adequate, or guilty for not doing it enough. But Jesus teaches a simple, yet profound way to go deep with our prayers.
Join us for our summer series, 'Pray Like This', as we dive deep into the prayer our Lord Jesus taught his disciples to pray. We’ll take each clause of the Lord’s Prayer and connect with other passages in Scripture that explain the deep principles embedded within. This prayer is the perfect place to begin and to deepen all our prayer lives.
June 19th — Our Father
This first phrase of the Lord’s Prayer is crucial for understanding our relationship to God and the basis on which we pray to him. Because God is our Father, we can have ultimate confidence when we ask God anything in the name of Jesus.
June 26th — Hallowed Be Your Name
What do you worship? Everyone has something or someone they worship, and that thing or person controls their life. By worshiping and adoring God the Father we are set free from slavery and bondage.
July 3rd — Your Kingdom Come
Praying for God’s kingdom to come on earth is a dangerous prayer. Are we ready for all that means for us?
July 10th — Your Will Be Done
“Your will be done†is perhaps the hardest prayer that Jesus asks us to pray. It requires sacrificing our own will and trusting in God’s, even when it hurts.
July 17th — Our Daily Bread
Asking God for things is good and right, but our requests must be positioned correctly and balanced by the other insights of the Lord’s Prayer.
July 24th — Forgive Us As We Forgive
Repentance is the daily reality of a Christian. Repentance means taking full responsibility for our sin, but it also means we throw ourselves onto the unfailing love of God that he has shown to us in Christ.
July 31st — Lead Us Not
God does not tempt us or cause evil to happen in our lives, but he will use it to refine us. When we are tempted and tried, we must, in prayer, go to the true temple, which is Jesus Christ, and see his gospel.
Join us for our summer series, 'Pray Like This', as we dive deep into the prayer our Lord Jesus taught his disciples to pray. We’ll take each clause of the Lord’s Prayer and connect with other passages in Scripture that explain the deep principles embedded within. This prayer is the perfect place to begin and to deepen all our prayer lives.
June 19th — Our Father
This first phrase of the Lord’s Prayer is crucial for understanding our relationship to God and the basis on which we pray to him. Because God is our Father, we can have ultimate confidence when we ask God anything in the name of Jesus.
June 26th — Hallowed Be Your Name
What do you worship? Everyone has something or someone they worship, and that thing or person controls their life. By worshiping and adoring God the Father we are set free from slavery and bondage.
July 3rd — Your Kingdom Come
Praying for God’s kingdom to come on earth is a dangerous prayer. Are we ready for all that means for us?
July 10th — Your Will Be Done
“Your will be done†is perhaps the hardest prayer that Jesus asks us to pray. It requires sacrificing our own will and trusting in God’s, even when it hurts.
July 17th — Our Daily Bread
Asking God for things is good and right, but our requests must be positioned correctly and balanced by the other insights of the Lord’s Prayer.
July 24th — Forgive Us As We Forgive
Repentance is the daily reality of a Christian. Repentance means taking full responsibility for our sin, but it also means we throw ourselves onto the unfailing love of God that he has shown to us in Christ.
July 31st — Lead Us Not
God does not tempt us or cause evil to happen in our lives, but he will use it to refine us. When we are tempted and tried, we must, in prayer, go to the true temple, which is Jesus Christ, and see his gospel.
Posted in Message Series