Weekly Update 2/1/2022

Welcome to the Springs News where you will find a weekly update to what is going in at Springs.
Main Event
On January 30th, We had Partnership Sunday.
Pastor chad unpacked the difference between membership and partnership. If you are didn't get a chance to listen to the message. You can listen to the message HERE. If you would like to become a partner, re-up your membership to partnership, and help us reestablish our church family roster after so much transition, here is the link to the partnership agreement. Download and return next Sunday or email it to connect@springscr.church
Note: Pastor Chad mentioned Chazown Experience. Chazown means Vision! On February 26 this one day experience to discover your Chazown by examining your core values, spiritual gifts, and past experiences. Register here.
Remember we have began our 2 BECOME 1 SERVICE - Church starts at our new time of 10 am.
Pastor chad unpacked the difference between membership and partnership. If you are didn't get a chance to listen to the message. You can listen to the message HERE. If you would like to become a partner, re-up your membership to partnership, and help us reestablish our church family roster after so much transition, here is the link to the partnership agreement. Download and return next Sunday or email it to connect@springscr.church
Note: Pastor Chad mentioned Chazown Experience. Chazown means Vision! On February 26 this one day experience to discover your Chazown by examining your core values, spiritual gifts, and past experiences. Register here.
Remember we have began our 2 BECOME 1 SERVICE - Church starts at our new time of 10 am.
Ministry Highlight
Springs Recovery has relaunched! Join us at 630pm every Friday. Do you have a hurt, habit, or hang up that you want to overcome? Come, don't walk alone!

Testimony from Pastor Starla: I knew God was talking to me and urging me to go up and get a blue chip when Josh was talking about them. I didn't move. My mind was busy swirling about what people would think and making excuses. I was still doing my 21 days fast and it was over in 3 days and I was already hearing my body telling my mind that I can pick back up what I was fasting. Later, I told Jess, the Springs Recovery Coordinator, that I thought about going up to get a chip. She said, "you should have, do it!" It was like she said, "why aren't you listening to the Holy Spirit?" I went back to Josh and said, "I need a blue chip. I'm Starla. I'm a great full believer in Jesus Christ and I like to snack and scroll on my phone at night and it's got to stop." I received my 1st chip at Springs recovery on relaunch night. Recovery isn't just for those things that we think are the big things. It is for all the small steps of overcoming and obedience to God. It's a place to make a public stand to say, "I will follow Jesus! And to walk with others.
Prayer Requests
Prayer Matters!
Ephesians 6:18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.
Ephesians 6:18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.
- Continued healing for those who have been sick.
- Pray for the financial needs of the church.
- Pray for Christ to be strong in His people as they lean into greater obedience and trust in Him.
- Pray for those who are making important family decisions.
- Pray for those who are reconciling family hurts and relationships.
- Praise God, our church family is in one service!
Our Missionaries

Our very own Nolan Cook is going to be going on mission with Foursquare Disaster Relief. You can help to support Nolan by clicking here.
The Cecil family in Russia.
Click Here to learn more about them and give to the mission in Russia.
Flores Family in Panama
Click Here to learn more about them and give to the mission in Panama.
Click Here to subscribe to their YouTube channel and watch them in action!
The Cecil family in Russia.
Click Here to learn more about them and give to the mission in Russia.
Flores Family in Panama
Click Here to learn more about them and give to the mission in Panama.
Click Here to subscribe to their YouTube channel and watch them in action!
We are created for community. Community Groups are gatherings that take place outside of the weekly scheduled services. Being connected on a deeper level to other Christian believers is how we grow. If you are looking for a small group to join? Or to start one? We have many different communities online and in person. Click here to find our groups.
Email: Connect@springscr.church and tell us about what kind of group you would like to start.
Email: Connect@springscr.church and tell us about what kind of group you would like to start.

Opportunities to Connect
- Springs Seniors fellowship and lunch - February 2 at Noon
- Child Dedication Sunday - February 13 -- Register Here
- Springs Recovery weekly on Friday nights at 6:30pm
- Adult Sunday School weekly in a back corner conference room at 8:15am
- Next-Gen Church weekly on Wednesday Nights at 6:30 pm
- SisterLife - Ladies Fellowship on the 3rd Thursday of the month - February 17th
- ReEngage - Married couple fellowship group Feb 18th (more info click here)
- Chazown Experience - February 26th, 9am (more info click here)
Thank you for reading the weekly newsletter!
Springs of Life
Springs of Life
Posted in Springs Updates