Stir It Up

Sep 18, 2022    Pastor Chad Garrison

The followers of Jesus are called to work together, to be a community that cultivates discipleship, and motivates one another to be disciple makers.

The church, as a whole, is meant to care for each other, grow together, and make disciples together. That means we must recognize our responsibilities to our church family as individuals, and put personal action to the mission of Jesus' Church to Go make disciples. In this series we will focus on our personal charge from Christ to be individuals who are engaged and committed to joining with our church to be disciple makers, together.

Questions for the Road:
1. How present and open are you in your friendships? What steps do you need to take in order to increase in both of these areas in your friendships?

2. In what ways do you sense God calling you to “consider how to stir up others to love and good works”?

3. Take the Next Step: visit to get the conversation started on how you can partner with Springs of Life.