Feed the Need

Jan 15, 2023    Pastor Chad Garrison

Reading and studying scripture is an opportunity to know God’s heart and live equipped for our life's journey.

Modern society often views our world as disenchanted—void of any spiritual or transcendent qualities. This series offers a biblical perspective of God’s work in the world, and our need for the wonder of God’s presence in our daily life. These messages look at the spiritual disciplines in order to reengage with God’s glorious wonder and purpose. 


1. Consider your current approach to studying God’s scripture. What needs to change, or be included in your current approach to grow in your pursuit of knowing God more through scripture?

2. What does the phrase “Reps Get Results” look like for you practically for reading and studying scripture?

3. Don’t do this alone! Who can you approach to read scripture and sharpen one another with? How soon can you take this next step?

Click the link below for some resources for your own Scripture Reading & Study:
