I Did It My Way

Oct 23, 2022    Pastor Starla Smith

We put other things in the place of God. This is what we all do. Rather than delighting in Him, as we were all made to do, we put our hope in lesser, earthly things. In this series, we’ll identify four source idols in our lives, and how we can avoid worshipping them.

Questions for the Road:
1. Which Idol tends to be the king of the mountain in your life (takes over God's place) Power, Comfort, Approval, or Control?
2. How does that one king of the mountain use all the others to serve itself in your heart and mind?
3. How are you currently trying to fix your own life and who can you talk to to share the truth of this idol's grip?
4. Will you commit to praying against this mountain king for the next 30 days?