Feel My Wrath

Aug 6, 2023    Pastor Chad Garrison

Getting angry isn't the sin; it's what we do with it. Our daily choice with our anger is, will we flip people, or tables?

Whether spoken, texted, or posted, our words are powerful. They can beat us down and lift us up. They wound and they heal. And the right words at the right time can be exactly what we need to hear—or what we need to say. Let’s find the right words in a new series, Watch Your Mouth.


1. In your effort to be right, have you ever forgotten to be loving What was that situation like? What did you learn from it?

2. When you feel anger over injustice, how can you turn the tables by loving people?

3. How might remembering God’s forgiveness of your sins change the way you approach people who have hurt or mistreated you, or those you love?

4. Spend time this week thanking God for His forgiveness of your sins. Ask Him to help you show His love to others the next time you feel angry.