In the Valley
Nov 27, 2022 • Pastor Chad Garrison
We may enjoy God on the mountaintops, but we get to know him intimately in the valleys.
In this series we will unpack the Advent themes of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love with a message series designed to welcome those who are hurt and alone, this four-week resource teaches that God is with us in every moment. He’s with us through the pain. He comforts us in the waiting. He gives us courage when we feel anxious. Perfectly suited for the Christmas season, “God With Us” provides an inspirational reminder of the impact of Christ’s birth, culminating in our Christmas Eve Eve Service.
Read Psalm 139:7-10. What thoughts do these verses stir in you? What you think about matters. What is some thinking you want to change?What difficult area in your life do you especially need to keep your mind “fixed on God” to dig a well? How will you do it?