"Follow Me"

May 1, 2022    Pastor Chad Garrison

Jesus begins a relationship with us all with a simple invitation; one, that if really accepted, will change everything.

RED LETTERS SERIES: Jesus is the greatest disciple-maker in the world. Putting His words into practice helps people of all ages find the life God designed them to live. By staying focused on Jesus and the simple command to “hear and do” His words, we ensure a unifying experience for the whole church from beginning to end.

1. What are the “occupations” of your life that Jesus is calling you to drop in order to follow him?
2. Read Galatians 5:22-23. What needs to be “unmade” in you in order to see the fruit of a life led by Jesus in you?
3. How does what I do in my actions fulfill Jesus’ call to his ministry of reconciliation?