"Send Me."

Jan 28, 2024    Christina Hernandez

God’s call is to all, but not all will respond. Will you?

Believe your big risks will be rewarded. Believe what you ask for is possible. If you’re ready to see a spark in your life, pray boldly. Pray daringly. Pray with fire. And remember God's listening to your Dangerous Prayers. 

1) If you did your own personal Prayer Audit, and God did everything you asked of

Him last week, would the world be any different? If not, what do you think keeps

you praying safe prayers?

2) Do you sense the Lord giving you an assignment? If so, which of these

statements most honestly reflects your response?

• “Here I am; I’m not going.”

• “Here I am, but send someone else.”

• “Here I am; send me!”

3) Why is intimacy with the Lord such an important part of our ongoing surrender to

His plans for our life? Why did Jesus tell His disciples, “It is FOR YOUR GOOD that I am going away”? Are you ready to pray these 3 dangerous prayers…?

1. Search me

2. Break me

3. Send me