"Oooh, Look At That!"

Jun 11, 2023    Pastor Chad Garrison

Families have the most influence on the next generation—and God designed it that way to communicate His heart to future generations. 

Summer is often when families take vacation trips together. These trips can be a great opportunity for families to spend time together, show each other love, and model grace to the world. This series discusses both the importance of family relationships, and how parenting is a way for parents to help their children understand God's grace and love.


1. What is your Vision for your family? What does thinking backwards from that vision mean for you practically?

2. How have you made your own devotion to God personal in a way that helps you model it to your children?

3. Read Deuteronomy 6:7-9. How will you create and set a rhythm that is intentional for growing spiritually and relationally?