Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
Our actions will always be more effective than just our words
This series will explore the relationship between members of Jesus' church and those outside of it. It will speak to God’s expectation for the church to be salt and light to the world by exercising humility in understanding God’s design, and living generously in our approach to one another.
Questions for the Road:
1. Take inventory of your own heart and mind. Do you find any futile thinking or hard heartedness?
2. In what way are you still wearing the old man (the old clothes) of your former self (before Christ)? Pray and cast off the old and put on the new.
3. Choose one area of unwholesome talk to eliminate out of your speech for 21 days. 21 days can change your life. 21 days can build a habit. Keep it up for 90 days and lead a new lifestyle.
4. Share how God has changed your life with someone new.