Why is God So Slow?

Mar 17, 2024    Pastor Chad Garrison

What if what we see as a setback is actually God’s providence in realtime?

It’s easy to think of doubt as a sign of weak faith. But it’s not. God isn’t afraid of our doubts, so we don’t have to be either. In the series, we’re creating a space for the questions we’ve been afraid to ask. Together, let's discover how doubt can actually build our faith.

Questions for the Road: 

1. What does the word “Providence” mean to you? Reflect on a time that you can look back at as a testimony to ask God to “Do it again.”

2. Interrupt the Interruptions: What would it look like for you to practically “Be Present” in the unplanned/unexpected moments of in-between that God has brought you to?

3. Don’t give up, and do go it alone. Identify someone, or a group that can pray with and encourage you in this space of waiting. How soon can you reach out to them?