Life "For" God
Mar 14, 2021 • Pastor Starla Smith • Acts 22:3, Matthew 7:22-23, 1 Corinthians 9:22b-23, Philippians 3:7-11, Luke 15:25-32
Being WITH GOD is more important than doing things FOR GOD.
Questions for the road:
1. What are you chasing? Is it possible that in all the good things you are doing that you may have inadvertently replaced being with God for doing for Him?
2. Where has your significance come from? Is it possible that the reason you are so tired and weary is because you've been trying so hard to live up to what you think God would want you to accomplish?
3. Have you seen the heart of the Father (Read Luke 15:31-32) Can you see God's heart for you? Take a few minutes to be with Him and listen for His voice calling to you.