When I pause, I see.

Sometimes we are so very close to something we can't see the forest through the trees. In the day after day, head down, hand to the plow, we don't think to look back or look around at the progress made. Instead, we see acres of untilled land. But it's in the pausing to SEE that we can find strength to keep moving forward. 4 years ago next month, we interviewed at Springs. Then, I was an outsider looking in. Wanting so badly to be part of this family, not fully understanding why. Now, I walk in on a Sunday morning to familiar faces, hugs, "I love yous", and jokes. I walk into family. The reward for loving, committing, risking connection, and staying. We are called Springs of Life. So when I look around, what life do I see? A friend challenged me to consider this and write about here.
I see a staff that has grown in trust, humility, bravery, honesty, clarity, efficiency, unity, friendship, and love.

I see staff that did the hard work to heal, to grieve, and to seek reconciliation.Staff who continue to show up in courage and honesty effectively modeling the value on the wall, "Growing People Change."

I see a pastoral team that talks and laughs around shared meals. Pastors that share openly, vulnerably, honestly. These pastors are shepherds at heart. They sacrifice for, intercede for, mentor, and care well for their sheep.

I see council members who work together to steward God's resources. They wisely discern as they hold hope and faith in the mission.

I see a church where 90% of the Body serves, highlighting a collective understanding that this church belongs to Jesus, and we all share a responsibility in caring for her. Loving people serve.

I see a church that shows up with next level hospitality when we need to celebrate or provide space for the grieving.

I see a care team that works hard to make sure people feel valued and loved.
I see a youth program with faithful and committed leaders who genuinely and consistently love and teach the next generation. Who show up for kids in the hard and messy places of life and keep walking with them.

I see the Refuge, led by some of the kindest, safest, wisest, most steadfast people I know.
I see faithful forerunners who've laid solid foundations of faith, prayer, and service. I see forerunners still running! Still serving. Still encouraging. Still sharing the wisdom and levity that comes with age.

I see a young lady that bravely stepped into her calling again, who leads with a heart of worship, a prophetic voice, and a shepherd's heart that is actively raising up young worshippers. I see ridiculously talented musicians who share their gifts with such purity that you can't help but see God first. Wow, Springs Worship Team/Tech Team.

I see a church, that is developing a reputation as a good place to heal. A safer space to be for the abused, the wounded, the vulnerable, the untrusting.

I see a church that values women and encourages them to be all that God calls them to be, affirming that God has indeed poured out his spirit on all people, our sons and our daughters alike.

I see a church that grows leaders. That grows pastors. That grows people ready to take that next step.

I see a church not centered around one person, one pastor, one style, but rather a more collective identity, co-creators in submission to Christ.

I'm seeing more and more courage to be honest. To confess openly our struggles, our sin areas, our brokenness. To "just be" with one another.

I see less tolerance to abiding the elephants in the room. I see more brave confrontation and peacemaking.

I see more vulnerability in asking for help. I see a place where God-honoring paths of healing are laid out if one is willing to accept.

I see a church that honors all emotions as holy. That understands the spiritual value of pain, suffering, and lament.I see more tears.

I see a heart for women to connect and grow with women and men to connect and grow with men. Created for community.

I see a lead pastor who walks the talk. Who is committed to growing and walking out his own process of sanctification visibly and for our benefit. A Pastor who simply, and regularly teaches on heart issues because God looks at the heart. I see a lead pastor who is the same at home as he is at Church and has three kids who love the church because of this. I see a lead pastor who still meets with people who've left our church to disciple them because relationship matters. I see a lead pastor that is a safe space for honesty, who can have hard conversations, who can also receive correction.

I see kids who wander the halls with bananas in their mouths, shoes off their feet. Walking into the church office or joining a Sunday morning prayer session comfortably, because church is home, church is family.

I can't imagine what all I would see if I allowed myself a longer pause...but this feels good for now. Maybe that was the point of this challenge.

This exercise shifts my tendency to focus on the acres and acres of untilled land. To see all the places where I and we still fall short, miss the mark, cause hurt. I'm sorry for the hurt I caused.

But, as I look back at this list, it's evident. That by God's grace, we've come a long way together. May God continue to grow us, sustain us, humble us, and transform us into what he wants us to be.

And Church, let's not forget to pause and look up. To open our eyes and see the mountains filled with horses and chariots of fire. Ready to assist an imperfect people with an imperfect church. Held perfectly by the grace of God.

With love and gratitude,much hope and courage,
Pastor Lindsay Garrison