Springs News - August 2024

Welcome to the Springs News where you will find a monthly update to what is going in at Springs.
All Because Of Jesus
Created For Community
Growing People Change
Loving People Serve
Created For Community
Growing People Change
Loving People Serve
Sermon Series: A Blessed Summer - The Beatitudes

We are continuing our sermon series through the month of August on the Beatitudes.
We have heard messages on:
Culture sets up a standard for how one should live, but what if Jesus were to turn that standard upside down and bless you for following it? This series examines the Beatitudes, exploring how Jesus provides us with instructions for living in the kingdom of God, explaining what it looks like to live a counter-cultural life for God, that is just as relevant today as they were two thousand years ago.
We have heard messages on:
- The poor in spirit
- Those who mourn
- The humble
- Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness
- The merciful
- The pure in heart
- The peacemakers
- The persecuted
Culture sets up a standard for how one should live, but what if Jesus were to turn that standard upside down and bless you for following it? This series examines the Beatitudes, exploring how Jesus provides us with instructions for living in the kingdom of God, explaining what it looks like to live a counter-cultural life for God, that is just as relevant today as they were two thousand years ago.
Cherry Hill Pool Meet Up!

Aug 10th at 1pm - last year was a good time of play and fellowship.
Refuge Worship and Updates

There will be a Worship Night on Friday, Aug 2nd at 640pm
Refuge is launching their fall session:
They are moving to THURSDAY NIGHTS.
You can join in - Aug 8 thru Sept 26.
Refuge is a place Where the lost, who've tried everything, find rest!
The DOORS open at 630pm. All are welcome to come and partake.
There will be Childcare available.
Refuge is launching their fall session:
They are moving to THURSDAY NIGHTS.
You can join in - Aug 8 thru Sept 26.
Refuge is a place Where the lost, who've tried everything, find rest!
The DOORS open at 630pm. All are welcome to come and partake.
There will be Childcare available.
Warrior Weekend

Early bird registration ends on Aug 21st. Sign up here
Prayer Requests
Prayer Matters!
Ephesians 6:18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.
Ephesians 6:18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.
- Pray for end of summer vacation travel. We have several families out on the road vacationing. Please pray for safe travels and refreshing.
- Students are getting ready to head back to school at the end of the month. Pray for them to be a light at their school and to walk and love like Jesus.
- We have several families dealing with health issues and sickness. Lift them up in prayer!

Save The Date: Upcoming Event

On September 1st we will have breakfast and worship in the park! More details to come...
On September 1st we will have breakfast and worship in the park! More details to come...
Thank you for reading the monthly newsletter!
Springs of Life
Springs of Life
Posted in Springs Updates