A Blessed Summer

The Beatitudes

Culture sets up a standard for how one should live, but what if Jesus were to turn that standard upside down and bless you for following it? This series examines the Beatitudes, exploring how Jesus provides us with instructions for living in the kingdom of God, explaining what it looks like to live a counter-cultural life for God, that is just as relevant today as they were two thousand years ago.

July 7th (Church As We Go) - The Poor in Spirit
Blessed are those who realize their need for God, for they will receive eternal life.

July 14th - Those Who Mourn
Blessed are those who mourn over their sin and the sins of others, for God will forgive them.

July 21st - The Humble
Blessed are those who choose submission to God over selfish power plays, for they will be given what the world cannot offer.

July 28th - Those Who Hunger & Thirst
Blessed are those who find their source of fulfillment in following God, for they will experience true joy and purpose.

August 4th - The Merciful
Blessed are those who’ve allowed God’s grace to so envelope their lives that they show it to others, for they will experience the true joys of forgiveness.

August 11th - The Pure in Heart
Blessed are those who’ve been forgiven by the grace of Jesus Christ, for they will see God.

August 18th - The Peacemakers
Blessed are those who are reconciled to God and bring that peace and hope to others, for they are His children.
August 25th - The Persecuted
Blessed are those who endure persecution for the sake of the Gospel, their body may be hurt, but their soul will be untouched.
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