Unwavering Faith

Unwavering Faith: Trusting God's Provision

By Becky White
As humans, we often try to handle every problem or crisis ourselves, even when our Father God tells us to trust Him (Isaiah 41:10) for everything. He calls us to have absolute, steadfast faith that He will provide for our needs. Despite the numerous verses about God’s promises and trusting the Lord in the Bible, this has been a significant struggle for me throughout my Christian walk.

For instance, back in the middle of March, my car broke down. The repair cost was $875. I didn’t pray about it; instead, I called everyone I could think of to borrow money. After a few days, I managed to get my car back, but I owed three people money who helped me with pieces of the $875.

Recently, my car was out of commission again for about two weeks. This time, I didn’t panic or worry about “what am I going to do?” Instead, I was remarkably calm, which is extremely unusual for me. I waited until May 29th to have it towed because I knew I would have some money of my own soon. The first mechanic couldn’t fix it, so I moved it to another shop. On May 30th, the new shop spent hours diagnosing the problem, even consulting with the service manager at Honda. By the end of the day, they estimated the repair would cost $3500. I cried for about 5 or 10 minutes, but then I declared, “God’s got this.”

And indeed, He did!

On the morning of May 31st, I affirmed, “I’m standing on God's promises, that He will provide.” Later that morning, the mechanic called to tell me the repair would not be $3500, but only about $400. Amazingly, I had $410—just enough to cover the repair!
A small portion of the money, about $50, came from birthday gifts (donations I had asked for). My next concern was gas, as my tank was nearly empty. A close friend filled my tank as a gift.

I am incredibly grateful to those who helped me on this journey of learning to have unwavering faith. You know who you are!


Always remember to trust our Father God for anything and everything because He always provides!
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