Love of my Heavenly Father

Love of my Heavenly Father

Why I’m writing my testimony – God says it’s time to share my testimony.

I didn’t have a very loving earthly father. He would always raise his voice at me and spoke discouraging words over me. He didn’t pay much attention to me. He sent me away at 20 or 21 to Options of Linn County and I felt abandoned by him.

Because I didn’t experience a loving father, I had bad experiences with boyfriends. I was hopping around to different guys and didn’t realize I was being used by people. I got involved with people doing drugs and illegal activities.

In 2014, my dad died. I felt lost, depressed, didn’t know what I was doing, and I wanted to be with my dad, not here.

About a year after my dad died, Denise Babcock invited me to Springs of Life, she prayed over me and a lot of others prayed over me. In 2017, I was Baptized and made Jesus, Lord of my life. I started experiencing God the Father. He started coming into my life and guiding me in what direction I should go. He led me to my job at Meth-Wick, which was where my dad worked. I feel my dad there. I feel so close to people there. God started speaking encouragement over me. I’m finding my skills and talents. I feel like I came out of my shell. I’m more positive and open now.

My life has been changed by the love of my Heavenly Father.
- Rochelle Boyer 
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