Springs News 6/7/2023

Welcome to the Springs News where you will find a monthly update to what is going in at Springs.
All Because Of Jesus
Created For Community
Growing People Change
Loving People Serve
Created For Community
Growing People Change
Loving People Serve
Community BBQ
Summer Community BBQ will be on June 11th, immediately after Service. Springs will be providing the burgers/hotdogs, please bring a side or dessert (or both!) to share, yard games, and a friend!

Kids & Teen Camp
Kids Camp June 26-30; cost $250 Register Here. Deadline June 10th
Teen Camp July 10-14; cost $270 Register Here. Deadline June 27th
Teen Camp July 10-14; cost $270 Register Here. Deadline June 27th

Warrior Weekend
Sept 15-17 at the Sunstream Retreat Center, Ogden, IA
Early Bird registration before August 1st is $185; After August 1st is $210
Register Here
Early Bird registration before August 1st is $185; After August 1st is $210
Register Here

Prayer Requests
Prayer Matters!
Ephesians 6:18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.
Lloyd - Pray for his health.
Betty Lint - Prayer for the upcoming move to Texas.
Ephesians 6:18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.
Lloyd - Pray for his health.
Betty Lint - Prayer for the upcoming move to Texas.
Church As We Go
On Sunday, July 2nd, we will be having our first “Church As We Go” Weekend. The vision for this Sunday is to reinforce our Core Value of Created For Community by doing our church service like a Community Group. Our plan is to pre-record the message for that Sunday, then ask individuals to host others in their homes, or sign up to join those hosting, and watch the message, have discussion, prayer and fellowship. There will also be a “group” that is hosted at the church building, but please note that there will be no NextGen Church that Sunday.
Sign up here
Sign up here

40 Day Prayer Challenge
Our Annual 40-day prayer challenge is coming up on June 22nd through July 31st.
It's simple - stop and pray every day from 7:14 -based on 2 Chronicles 7:14. That can be am or pm, or both! You can pray with others around you at that time, or on your own, and you can pray wherever you’re at.
Click Here for more Info
It's simple - stop and pray every day from 7:14 -based on 2 Chronicles 7:14. That can be am or pm, or both! You can pray with others around you at that time, or on your own, and you can pray wherever you’re at.
Click Here for more Info

Find all the groups and events on the Event page.

Posted in Springs Updates