Springs Prayer Campaign

Hello Springs Community!
I want to take a moment to invite you to join me for 40 Days of Prayer on our Summer Prayer Campaign. This will be a church-wide campaign, taking our prayer lives to the next level.
I want to take a moment to invite you to join me for 40 Days of Prayer on our Summer Prayer Campaign. This will be a church-wide campaign, taking our prayer lives to the next level.
If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14 ESV
The prayer campaign is simple. Every day from June 22nd through July 31st we’re asking you to join us to pray any time the clock is at 7:14, based on 2 Chronicles 7:14. That can be am or pm, or both! You can pray with others around you at that time, or on your own, and you can pray wherever you’re at.
When you pray, here are some specifics we will all be in prayer together for:
June 22nd - June 28th
When you pray, here are some specifics we will all be in prayer together for:
June 22nd - June 28th
- Commitments to Life Change: First time commitments to follow Christ, rededication, breaking of bondage, yielding to the Holy Spirit on a daily basis—we want to see lives changed for Christ!
June 29th - July 5th
- Strengthening of Community: Our vision is to UNITY within our Community of Faith, and so we are praying that the Holy Spirit would quicken us all to be committed to each other in new ways, new community groups and growing the groups that are already gathering.
July 6th - July 12th
- Springs Leadership: Pray that our pastors, ministry coordinators, and lay leaders would be filled and fueled by the power of the Holy Spirit, and receive fresh vision and wisdom.
July 13th - July 19th
- Continued Team Building: It’s no secret that we have several ministries in our community in need for team members. We are praying that God will reinforce those already serving faithfully with new team members, and strengthen our ability to minister.
July 20th - July 26th
- Continued Provision: God has always been our provision, and God has BLESSED Springs of Life in many ways. God has been faithful in MANY seasons of our 90 year history. We are praying that God will continue in his provision and inspire new and unexpected means of provision through the people of His Church.
July 27th - July 31st
- Favor in Our Communities: As we seek out new ways to embrace and engage our community and neighbors, pray for God’s favor and that we would be accepted, and new doors of opportunity to be God’s light would be opened.
Once again, our Prayer Campaign will be every day from June 22nd through July 31st any time the clock is at 7:14. Personally, I will be setting a daily reminder on my phone to these times, and I would encourage you to get creative on how you can remember to pray with us too.
I look forward to being unified in prayer, and just like you, feel excited to see what God continues to do in and through our Springs of Life Family!
Pastor Chad Garrison
Lead Pastor | Springs of Life
I look forward to being unified in prayer, and just like you, feel excited to see what God continues to do in and through our Springs of Life Family!
Pastor Chad Garrison
Lead Pastor | Springs of Life
Posted in Springs Updates