Fighting With Family

Conflict, Division & the Hope
of Reconciliation
All families fight. But how should Christian families, and the family of Christ, handle conflict and resolution? This four-week series will explore the way Scripture addresses conflict, divisive issues, and the hope of the gospel to bring reconciliation and healing to tense or broken relationships. Rather than avoiding difficult topics entirely or fueling the flames of controversy, Christians have the option of faithful engagement.
February 5th -- Bringing It to the Table
As we approach conflict and difficult conversations within the new family of Christ, we should be grounded in the humility of what unites us, despite our differences.
February 12th -- Fighting Fair
Speaking the Truth in Love: Not always just what you say, but the heart of where it is coming from
February 19th -- Serpents & Doves
Like Jesus, we can challenge our enemies without losing sight of their humanity as made in the image of God.
February 26th -- Living Triggered
Loving people is only as difficult as we make it. To love like Jesus, we need to get out of our comfort zone and into the real lives of those around us.
February 5th -- Bringing It to the Table
As we approach conflict and difficult conversations within the new family of Christ, we should be grounded in the humility of what unites us, despite our differences.
February 12th -- Fighting Fair
Speaking the Truth in Love: Not always just what you say, but the heart of where it is coming from
February 19th -- Serpents & Doves
Like Jesus, we can challenge our enemies without losing sight of their humanity as made in the image of God.
February 26th -- Living Triggered
Loving people is only as difficult as we make it. To love like Jesus, we need to get out of our comfort zone and into the real lives of those around us.
Posted in Message Series