Benevolence Drive

Hello Springs Community!
As we wind down another year, I recognize that we have so much to be grateful for. It has been so encouraging to see the unity and community grow within our church family. I personally have enjoyed watching the engagement to discipleship grow as individuals within Springs made commitments to partnership, participated in the Red Letter Challenge, and joined in our 40 Days of Prayer campaign.
I am writing this to our Springs Family to bring awareness to our final church project opportunity of 2022: Our Fall #BenevolenceDrive! Through the faithful giving of Springs Partners, like you, we have been able to give humbly, honorably, and with dignity give hundreds of dollars to individuals in, and outside, our church family from our benevolence fund this past year. Hallelujah!
As we enter into the holiday season, and the new year, we are holding a benevolence drive to add back to this fund so that we can bless individuals and families in need for the Holidays, and well into 2023. For the entire month of November, we asking our Springs Partners to give above and beyond our normal tithes and offerings, and join with other Springs Partners to help us bless others in need. To give towards this drive, simply visit our site at, and designate your gift as “benevolence”. You will also find instructions on other ways to give at this web address as well.
I am so blessed to be serving alongside our Springs Community and want to thank you for partnering with us to serve our community.
~Pastor Chad Garrison
As we wind down another year, I recognize that we have so much to be grateful for. It has been so encouraging to see the unity and community grow within our church family. I personally have enjoyed watching the engagement to discipleship grow as individuals within Springs made commitments to partnership, participated in the Red Letter Challenge, and joined in our 40 Days of Prayer campaign.
I am writing this to our Springs Family to bring awareness to our final church project opportunity of 2022: Our Fall #BenevolenceDrive! Through the faithful giving of Springs Partners, like you, we have been able to give humbly, honorably, and with dignity give hundreds of dollars to individuals in, and outside, our church family from our benevolence fund this past year. Hallelujah!
As we enter into the holiday season, and the new year, we are holding a benevolence drive to add back to this fund so that we can bless individuals and families in need for the Holidays, and well into 2023. For the entire month of November, we asking our Springs Partners to give above and beyond our normal tithes and offerings, and join with other Springs Partners to help us bless others in need. To give towards this drive, simply visit our site at, and designate your gift as “benevolence”. You will also find instructions on other ways to give at this web address as well.
I am so blessed to be serving alongside our Springs Community and want to thank you for partnering with us to serve our community.
~Pastor Chad Garrison
Posted in Springs Updates