Weekly Update 5/18/2022

Welcome to the Springs News where you will find a weekly update to what is going in at Springs.
All Because Of Jesus
Created For Community
Growing People Change
Loving People Serve
All Because Of Jesus
Created For Community
Growing People Change
Loving People Serve
Celebration of Life
If you knew Bill Achey and would like to join us for Bill's celebration of Life. We invite you to come on Saturday, May 21st at 1pm.

Main Events
1. Community Garden - May 19th at 4 pm! That's Tomorrow!

2. NextGen Tshirt Fundraiser - We are raising funds for camp!! YAYA -Tshirts or Hoodies or Both! Tshirts $15 come in a variety of sizes and colors (some for kids and some for adults. Hoodies are one color $25

3. Community BBQ - June 12
The church will provide the meat and we invite you to bring a side to share and desserts.
The church will provide the meat and we invite you to bring a side to share and desserts.

Prayer Requests
Prayer Matters!
Ephesians 6:18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.
Ephesians 6:18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.
- Pray for Bill Achey Family's as they grievehis loss.
- Pray for Betty Lint - She went into the hospital but is home now - needing strength! If you would be willing to reach out and call - contact Jen Burch or Starla Smith.
- Pray for Donna Kruckenberg - for healing for her wrist. If you would be willing to reach out and call - contact Jen Burch or Starla Smith.
- Pray for Ed West - Needs prayer for his eyes - He may lose one of them.
Opportunities to Connect
- Springs Recovery weekly on Friday nights at 6:30 pm
- Adult Sunday School weekly in a back corner conference room at 8:15 am
- Next-Gen Church weekly on Wednesday Nights at 6:30 pm
- Community Garden start May 19th - 4pm
- SisterLife - Ladies Fellowship on the 3rd Thursday of the month - May 19th
- Baptisms - May 22nd
- Spring Seniors gathering every first Wednesday of the month - June 1st
- Community BBQ - June 12
Posted in Weekly Update