Red Letters: The "I AM" statements of Jesus

The other week, our Springs of Life pastors gathered together at Pastor Chad and Lindsays house to fellowship, catch up on our lives together, and talk about where we are headed as a church. During our converstation about the Red Letter Challenge, Pastor Denise brought attention to the first week of the challenge called: FOLLOWING. This section is about the "I am" statements of Jesus. She wondered if people knew the significance of these 7 "I am" statements. And the idea to have our pastors share insights, teachings, videos, or writings as we go through this Red Letter Challenge.

To kick off our pastor sharing through this challenge, Pastor Denise - our inhouse Bible teacher and head of the Heartland School of Ministry has compiled and overview and deeper teaching on the 7 "Iam" statements. If you would like to dig a little deeper and expand your understanding of who Jesus is be sure to download this PDF teaching entitled:
Pastor Starla 
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