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What is Freedom Prayer?

Freedom prayer is an integrated model of deliverance, inner healing, and encountering the Lord. Jesus not only came to forgive us, but also to set us free, to heal us, to restore us, to bring wholeness to our being. Freedom
prayer allows the space for Him to bring about His redeeming work in
every sense of our lives.

If you are feeling stuck, oppressed by darkness, seeing cycles of bondage or addictive behaviors, seeing health crisis after health crisis, noticing you aren't living up to the Christlikeness you desire, or you just want to move into the greater calling and purpose the Lord has for you, freedom prayer is
for you.

Freedom Prayer Request Form

Please fill out this short form and a member of our Freedom Prayer Team will reach out to you shortly. 

Prayer Request Form

We would be honored to pray for you or someone you know. Our team prays for all the prayer requests we receive on a regular basis.