God LOVES you and desires RELATIONSHIP with You. And He sent His Son Jesus to prove it.

Here’s the good news!

More than anything else, God desires a relationship with you! He created the world out of the overflow of His heart. This same almighty God did so with people like you and me in mind. We are the culmination of God’s creative and intentional handiwork (Genesis 1:26-27). But there’s a common misconception of God that He can only be seen as too large to care about little ‘ol me, and God is certainly not approachable, and if He is, it has to be on religious, formulaic terms.
But that’s simply not true. GOD IS LOVE and will never stop loving you, regardless of what you do or say (Romans 8:38-39).

But there’s also bad news…

There is an elephant in the room that needs to be addressed–Our Sin. Sin is a permanent mark on our record. God’s original intent was for no one to sin, yet as  the definition of sin states, we have all “missed the mark” (Romans 5:12). Sin ultimately separates us from experiencing a relationship with our loving creator, which leads to death–not always a physical end of life, but a cutting off of relationship and future of LIFE with God (Romans 6:23). It is possible to be loved by God deeply, and still never experience a relationship with God.

To make matters worse, there’s nothing that YOU can do about your sin. It doesn’t go away on it’s own. You can’t justify it. You can’t do good things in life or be a good person overall to get rid of it. The sin in our lives is destructive, and fractures all we love and hold dear, while simultaneously leading us to forget or miss out on the depth of God’s great love for us. (1 John 1:5-10)

And here’s the HOPE.

God being GOD, is not surprised by the sin in your life. God has made a way for our sin to be removed from us, and relationship with Him to be renewed through His son, Jesus. There was nothing we did to deserve it, God just loved us that much. Through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, and resurrection to life the penalty of sin was wiped out, and relationship with God for all was restored (1 John 4:9-10).
This is what it means to be “saved”, in that you could do nothing with your sin, and that through Jesus as Savior, you received salvation from sin and separation from God. This, is the GOOD NEWS for us today.

Do you want to Know Jesus?

Maybe you’ve felt unworthy of salvation because of your past. Maybe you’ve thought doing good things, and keeping rules saved you. Maybe you thought you were saved because you were baptized, or prayed a prayer, without experiencing a change of heart.

The good news is that Jesus calls out to you to trust and believe that he has already done all the work. Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection means we are forgiven and set free to live a fresh and flourishing life with God here on earth, and in eternity.

To receive God’s gift of salvation Romans 10:9-10 says, “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.“

It’s as simple as praying this prayer, and believing it in your heart:
“Dear Jesus, I admit that I’ve fallen short. I’ve sinned and need your forgiveness. I believe that You lived, died and rose again so that I could be in relationship with God. I confess you as my Lord and commit to follow your ways in my own life. I give you my past, knowing that you have separated me from my guilt and shame. I give my present and future believing you will lead me forward in new life! Amen.”

If you prayed to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord, please let us know! If you have any questions, we want to help you take a next step. You can visit us in person, or fill out the form below to connect directly to us!

How can we help you take the Next Step?